A Meeting with Turkish Singer at Azerbaijan University

A Meeting with Turkish Singer at Azerbaijan University

17 may 2019

Baxış sayı: 3474

There’s been a meeting with a Turkish singer, Turkish art musician, artistic guide and soloist of the Nevasel Turkish Music Society Aylin Sengun Tasci at Azerbaijan University. The professor - teaching staff and the students of the university attended at the meeting.

The guest informed about the purpose of her visit to Azerbaijan and said she was proud of being in our country. Noting that her first visit to Baku was immediately after the events of January 20, the guest shared her memories about the 1990's Baku with the participants. Aylin Sengun Tasci noted that she was engaged in journalistic activity at that time and conveyed the right voice of Azerbaijan to Turkey and the world through press. The guest mentioned that during the years passed, she witnessed Azerbaijan's comprehensive development and watched its achievements with great enthusiasm.

At the event, the Turkish guest also gave information about the type of music she performs and the activities of the community she leads. Noting her love to Azerbaijani music and that she had included it in her repertoire, Aylin Sengun Tasci sang "Chirpinirdin Gara Deniz" and "Nazende Sevgilim" live.

The development of mutual cultural relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey  was also discussed at the event, and the guest answered the questions of university staff.

We should note that one of the favorite representatives of classical Turkish music, Aylin Sengun Tasci, together with about 50 members of music society led by Tasci, came to our country to perform with the concert program dedicated to Republic Day at Rashid Behbudov State Song Theater. The program will begin this evening at 19.00. Aylin Sengun, a philosopher of political science and international relations, was also engaged in scientific and pedagogical activity.

Public Relations Department