The film “Native land lesson: Evidence” has been shown at Azerbaijan University

The film “Native land lesson: Evidence” has been shown at Azerbaijan University

01 march 2019

Baxış sayı: 3561

The documentary film “ Native land lesson: Evidence” screened by Public Union “Movement Participants for Freedom” with the support of Moral Values Promotion Fund under the State Committee on Religious Associations has been shown at Azerbaijan University.

The film has been screened by the film  director - Boyukaga Mammadov, on the script written by Nadir Badalov. The film has been dedicated to the memory of martyrs died for the integrity of our lands and it demonstrates the issues such as joining of people in radical  religious trends and torturing consequences of it, as well.

In the discussions held with the participation of students, Tahmasib Novruzov, the chairman of the Public Union “ Movement Participants for Freedom” noted that the film had been screened to fill up moral gaps of society.

Rashid Pashali, the official of Moral Values Promotion Fund, informed students on the activity of the Fund and its projects implemented.

Yusif Gasimov, the vice-rector of Azerbaijan University stated that the film screened on contradictions  of “ honorable death” and “ reprobation death” instils the importance of science and learning and the ideas of staying further from ignorant and uneducated people.

The vice-rector noted: “ Heroism might be performed in different fronts, the main one is to be educated and knowledgable. Not realizing the causes and objectives, taking up arms is a sign of ignorance. It is very necessary to be merciless and cruel in the attitude towards the enemies. ”

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