The spring exam session has started at Azerbaijan University

The spring exam session has started at Azerbaijan University

01 june 2021

Baxış sayı: 2313

The spring exam session of the 2020/2021 academic year has started at Azerbaijan University.The session is organized remotely over the “Microsoft Teams” platform in accordance with the pandemic conditions.Exam starts at 9 o’clock.

During the session , “Examination Supervision Commission “ will monitor the examinations,with the aim of immediately eliminating any negative situations that may arise.

An “Appeal Commission” has been set up in accordance with the speciality departments to re-evaluate the knowledge of students and eliminate disputes that may occur during the exams.In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the examinations , the activity of the commission will be carried out within 3 days after the announcement of the results by sending an appeal to the e-mail address

Department of Public Relations