A new laboratory has opened at Azerbaijan University

A new laboratory has opened at Azerbaijan University

27 october 2021

Baxış sayı: 2584

The Joint Training and Research Laboratory on Information Security of Azerbaijan University and the Kharkiv National Radio Electronics University of Ukraine was opened. At the opening, the working principle of the laboratory was reported to the rector of Azerbaijan University, Saadat Aliyeva. It was noted that the protection of computer systems, information resources, and training of professionals in this field is one of the most urgent issues in the national security of each country, government agencies, private companies, and the banking sector. Laboratory computer systems, modern technical equipment for information security in the network- servers, network screens, smart switches, switches, modern computers, smart boards, and other networks equipped with equipment. Here, students and young researchers will learn how to research and solve various problems in the field of cybersecurity.

It should be noted that, since 2019, an international double degree program covering computer science and computer engineering has been implemented among universities. The next direction of cooperation is the establishment of a joint laboratory at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies.

Public Relations Department