New Academic Year has begun at Azerbaijan University

New Academic Year has begun at Azerbaijan University

17 september 2018

Baxış sayı: 3814

The event dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year, 2018-2019 has taken place at Azerbaijan University. The administrative staff of the university, deans, department heads and the first year students attended the event.

The ceremony started with performing the National Anthem.

Azerbaijan University’s rector Saadat Aliyeva, making an opening speech congratulated the students and professor teacher staff on the occasion of the commencement of the new academic year. Drawing attention to the University’s success achieved during the previous years, rector expressed her certainty about making more progress in the future and notified the entering of the educational institution the new development stage. Saadat Aliyeva said: “Becoming a student must raise the responsibility of the students. In order to achieve more success, each of you must try spend the student years productively, must profit maximally with the opportunity that have been supplied at the university.

At the end of her speech rector introduced the student who had deserved the scholarship named Fakhraddin Gurbanli, the april martyr. It was said that the mentioned scholarship would be given the first year student of the philology faculty Sanan  Farmanli in the first term of the current year. Student’s passes and  free payment cards in public transport for a year were given by rector to 12 students who had entered the university with high points.

Rector’s counselor Nushaba Guliyeva and vice rector on scientific  works Yusif Gasimov informed the students about the projects that are carried out at the university regularly and the educational environment that is given chance to the students for their individual development and in order to master the skills on their qualification.

Dean of the School of Business and Economics Ali Hasanov, Dean of Humanitarian Sciences Safar Mammadov, Dean of the School of Information Technology Asif Pashayev congratulated the first year students and wished them success.

Head methodologist of the educational department Yusif  Novruzov  acquainted the first year students with the rules of the educational process with credit system. Detailed information was given about students’ rights and duties in the presentation. At the end the film was shown that deal with the activity of the Student Youth Organization. The head of organization Rovshan Saatov invited the students to take part actively at the clubs of the organization.

Other students’ cards were given by the appropriate faculty deans.  

Public Relations Department