Victory Day was celebrated at Azerbaijan University

Victory Day was celebrated at Azerbaijan University

08 november 2021

Baxış sayı: 1867

An event dedicated - Victory Day was held on November 8 at Azerbaijan University. A minute of silence was observed in memory of the martyrs and the National Anthem was played at the event attended by the university staff, family members of the martyrs' graduates, war students and guests.

Rector of the University Saadat Aliyeva congratulated the participants on the Victory Day. The rector noted that, our people and army, under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, mobilized for a sacred cause and launched the Patriotic War to end the occupation of our lands, return IDPs to their native lands and restore justice a year ago. The glorious victory was achieved at the expense of the courage of the Azerbaijani Army, the health of our veterans and the blood of our martyrs in 44 days.

In her speech, Saadat Aliyeva said that students and graduates of the Azerbaijan University were distinguished by their courage, bravery and love for the Motherland, fighting both in the April battles and in the Patriotic War. The rector said: “I remember with deep respect our martyrs who started the April battles and ended the Victory March with a victory, and I pray to God to heal our veterans. I express my deep gratitude to the participants of the Patriotic War. On behalf of the staff of Azerbaijan University, I bow to the parents of the martyrs. We and future generations have a great moral duty to them. "

Then, the speeches of the chairman of the Khatai district organization of the New Azerbaijan Party, Professor Vugar Rahimzade on "Architects of the great victory in the Great Patriotic War", military expert Adalat Verdiyev on "The first in the 44-day Patriotic War" were heard. Family members of the martyrs and students of the university who took part in the war also spoke at the event and shared their heartfelt words and memories with the participants.

At the end, the book "Martyrs do not die" prepared by the university to commemorate the martyred students and graduates - Ali Najafov, Mirsuleyman Suleymanov and Rashad Nadirov was presented to their families. The university staff thanked the students who took part in the Great Patriotic War with a plaque.

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