Scientific Report of Azerbaijan University on 2018

Scientific Report of Azerbaijan University on 2018

26 december 2018

Baxış sayı: 4356

“2018 will be remembered with high scores for Azerbaijan University. In this year successful scientific investigations have been presented by professor-teacher staff.” This was informed in the expanded Academic Council of Azerbaijan University dedicated to the scientific report of the university.  The university administration, professor-teacher staff, heads of departments attended the meeting.

The rector of university Saadat Aliyeva notified in her inauguration speech that all collaborators of the university have great role and support in each successful step of the university. The rector brought the attention of the university being young and having important goals and bright future. Meanwhile, she noted that the scientific activity of professor-teacher staff was highly appreciated. Saadet Aliyeva surely notified that all the strategic goals would be achieved and she thanked all the university staff.

The rector congratulated the staff on the occasion of the 31st December Solidarity day of the World Azerbaijanis and told her best wishes.

Head of science department Latifa Aghamaliyeva presented the scientific report of university for 2018. The presentation included the scientific events held in the university, report of the international and republic conferences, activity of the scientific journal “Ipek yolu”, activity of faculty student scientific society, scientific-research grants gained by the collaborators of university and published scientific works. It was noted that beginning from 2018 for evaluating the scientific activity a score table was prepared in the university. While preparing the score table such criterias as the scientific article, scientific grants, scientific leadership, defense of dissertation of the employees of university were taken into account. Scientific activities of the university staff were evaluated according to this system. The hidgest score belonged to the Azerbaijani language and literature department. Social Sciences and Foreign Langiages departments shared the second and third places correspondently.

In the presentation was noted that 38 papers were published in the republic journals, 14 papers in the foreign journals and 9 papers in the indexed journals. The number of published monographs is 11, manuals - 7, textbooks - 7, programs and methodic means - 83. 30 theses were published in the republic and 63 theses in the international publications. Meanwhile, the collaborators of university had mutual scientific researches with scientists from foreign universities and co-author articles were published.

Expedient and consecutive measures were taken for increasing the international reputation of Azerbaijan University. Therefore, in April Azerbaijan University together with Liepaja University of Latvia held the II international conference in Latvia on the subject of Innovations and Creativity. That was the first international scientific conference held in abroad with the organization of Azerbaijan University. In November the 4th European Economic Congress co-organized by Azerbaijan University, held in Kojaeli, Turkey. Other organizers of the international event were Kojaeli University and WSB University in Poland. The 5th European Economic Congress (ECOEI V) will be held at Azerbaijan University in April 2019.

The employees having the highest scores on the basis of evaluation system of scientific-research activity, the authors of the articles published in the indexed journals were awarded in accordance with the following order of the rector “On encouraging the employees to scientific-research activity”.

Afterwards, the rector’s advisor Nushaba Guliyeva, head of the scientce department Latifa Aghamaliyeva, head of the international relations department Bakhtiyar Badalov and head of public relations department Lala Dilanova were rewarded with the honorary decree of the rector for their efficient activity on the scientific-research organization.

At the event a video dedicated to the activity of the University was also shown to the attendants.

The employees having the highest scores acoording to the evaluation system of scientific-research activity of employees: 

  • Prof. Gorxmaz Guliyev
  • Prof. Maharram Gasimli
  • Prof. Kamran Aliyev
  • Prof. Farahim Gasimov
  • Prof. Asif Hajiyev
  • Prof. Gabil Aliyev
  • Prof. Anar Iskandarov
  • Prof. Azad Mammadov
  • Asif Pashayev

Authors of the articles published in the indexed journals:

  • Prof. Hidayat Huseynov
  • Prof. Aqil Khanmammadov
  • Prof. Yusif Gasımov
  • Dos. Aygun Musayeva

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