The students of Azerbaijan University will study in Germany, Italy and Croatia

The students of Azerbaijan University  will study in Germany, Italy and Croatia

04 february 2019

Baxış sayı: 4152

6 students of Azerbaijan University will continue their education in Koblenz  University, Germany; Sapienza University, Italy and Dubrovnik University, Croatia in Spring term of 2018-2019 academic year.

Students  have gained the right to study in high education institutions stated above within the framework of “ Erasmus+” exchange program. 

4 graduate students and 2 undergraduate students of the Azerbaijan University have been selected for the exchange program. Academic credits on relevant courses gained during the exchange period by students are recognized by Azerbaijan University.

4 lecturers of Azerbaijan University  have recieved an invitation to deliver a lecture in Cracow Univeristy, Poland; Dubrovnik University, Croatia; and Sapienza University, Italy; within the framework of “ Erasmus+” Exchange Program in Spring term of 2018-2019 academic year. 

It is essential to note that through exploring  international experience and joining exchange programs, Azerbaijan University attaches great significance to extending  international relations and take initiatives for student exchange programs.

Students and academic staff of the university are offered exchange program opportunities within the framework of  “Erasmus+” exchange program and  DAAD exchange program (German Academic Exchange Service) funded by EU; and “ Mevlana” exchange program funded by Turkey Republic.

Public Relations Department