The scientific journal “Ipek yolu” of the Azerbaijan University indexed in the scientific reference base of Russia

The scientific journal “Ipek yolu” of the Azerbaijan University indexed in the scientific reference base of Russia

13 february 2018

Baxış sayı: 4436

As a result of the effective work performance of the editorial staff, the scientific journal of the Azerbaijan University “Ipek yolu” entered into the LIBRARY (РИНЦ) scientific reference base of Russia a few months ago launched to be indexed in this base from this week. To note that, though 67 scientific journals from Azerbaijan were included into this base, only 7 of them are indexed. This proves that “Ipek yolu” is taken more seriously by the scientific community as a science collection. All articles were posted on the electronic webpage of the journal, thus the enhancement of the scientific quality of the published articles played an important role in increase of the reputation of the journal.

RINS (РИНЦ) is considered the principal scientific source and makes cooperation with the “Clarivate Analytics” organization of the “Thomson Reuters” Agency.

“Ipek yolu” scientific journal published as of 1997 has before been entered into such international indexing bases as Academic Keys (USA), ResearchBib (Academic Resource Index) (Japan), Scientific Indexing Services SIS (USA), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (India), Advanced Science Index (ASI) (Germany), Root Indexing - Journal Abstracting and Indexing Service (India), Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI) (Russia), Science Library Index (Australia), JI Factor (USA). The journal is ranked among the periodicals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in which it is recommended to publish key results of the dissertations.

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