The staff of Azerbaijan University have participated in tree planting campaign with the children with autism

The staff of Azerbaijan University have participated  in tree planting campaign with  the children with autism

14 april 2017

Baxış sayı: 4639

A group of teachers and students of Azerbaijan University  have participated  in tree planting campaign with the children with autism in Baku Autism Sports and Leisure Club. Evergreen tree seedlings have been planted in the garden of the club. The children who benefit from the services of the center are accompanied by their speacial instructors.

The teachers and students of Azerbaijan University were acquainted with the conditions created for the children with autism, special  training and therapy programs in order to improve their quality of life and to be successful person for society. It has been noted that, autism begins at an early age, it is a common child development problem showing defects in the sphere of social relations and communication  and one of every 68 children was born with this syndrome in the previous year.

The campaign was held under the auspices of Baku Autism Sports and Leisure Club and the School of Social work of Azerbaijan University in the frame of Autism enlightenment  month which is celebrated all over the world.

“April 2 - World Autism Awareness Day”  and “April - Autism month” have been celebrated  since 2007 in accordance with  the decision of  United Nations Organization.

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