Professor of Azerbaijan University Gorkmaz Guliyev`s new book has been published

Professor of Azerbaijan University Gorkmaz Guliyev's new book has been published

25 january 2019

Baxış sayı: 3664

Professor of Azerbaijan University Gorkmaz Guliyev's book "Literary trends and directions" has been published. Scientific editor of the book presented as a textbook, is the head of the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature Ulviyya Rahimova, and the reviewers are Doctor of Philology, Professor Asif Hajiyev and Doctor of Philology Javanshir Yusifli.

The book contains the reasons for the occurrence of literary-aesthetic directions and trends in certain concrete artistic aesthetic development, their interchangeability, the contradictions existing between them and ways of their solution. The book also analyzes literary trends and directions in modern times along with traditional currents.

The 260-page textbook is intended for high school students, masters, doctoral students and dissertants, and also addressed to readers interested in literary theory.

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