The Vice-rector of Azerbaijan University delivers the lecture in International Mathematics School

The Vice-rector of Azerbaijan University delivers the lecture in International Mathematics School

04 november 2019

Baxış sayı: 2832

The Vice-rector of Azerbaijan University, Professor Yusif Gasimov delivered three lectures each 80 minutes long at the International Center called West Asian Math School, organized with International Center for Theoretical and Applied Mathematics (France) - CIMPA (Center Internatión de Mathématıques Pures et Appliquées) and Nante University (France) in Izmir Turkey. Being one of the organizers of the event - Yusif Gasimov displayed the results of changing regional issues, form optimization and inverse issues to 40 participants of different countries of West Asia.

Moreover, possible cooperation opportunities between Azerbaijan University and the universities represented in the event were discussed. One of the universities of Morocco as one of the partners of the international conference “Knowledge and Being: diverse cultures and different traditions”, planning to be held at the Azerbaijan University in June 2020 was decided.

It is to be noted that CIMPA in Central France, within the framework of the “CIMPA Schools” project, organizes schools for young researchers from different countries around the world in different areas of math. Famous scientists from all over the world are invited to schools. The latest school started on October 27 at Nesin Math Village, located in the Şirince area of Izmir. Scientists from France, Azerbaijan, Iraq, and Morocco have been invited to the West Asian Mathematics School, which continues until November 3. The audiences of the seminars were young researchers from different countries of West Asia.

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