Students of Azerbaijan University attended the info tour at SOCAR

Students of Azerbaijan University attended the info tour at SOCAR

15 november 2019

Baxış sayı: 3238

A group of students from Azerbaijan University studying economics and marketing were in the info tour at SOCAR’s petroleum and mining department named after A.J. Amirov. Students were received by the head of the department Ramin Guliyev.

At the meeting, the head of the department informed the participated students about the history and development of the Azerbaijani oil industry, gave information about the discovery, role and the exploitation of Azerbaijani economy in the development of the Garadagh-Lokbatan oil field. He also spoke about the fields operated by the department in Salyan, Neftchala, Naftalan, and Shamkir. Ramin Guliyev's presentation also covered safety and labor protection, environmental protection, oil, and gas wastage, knowledge, skills, and competencies of professionals, responsibility, assessment of oil workers' labor, improving their social conditions, quality of work and products. In this part of the info tour, a lot of students' questions were answered and in the end, a video was shown to clean and improve oil-contaminated areas.

In the second part of the info tour, the students visited the area where oil was extracted, they watched oil production and got acquainted with the process of repairing wells.

The info tour was organized by the Department of Finance and Economics. Head of the department, associate professor Nariman Boyukkishi and instructor of the department Chingiz Mammadov also participated in the info tour. The head of the department on behalf of the leadership of Azerbaijan University thanked them according to the conditions created for students and wished them success in their difficult and honorable professions.

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