Azerbaijan University announces admission to doctoral and dissertate studies under PhD Program

Azerbaijan University announces admission  to doctoral and dissertate studies under PhD Program

07 april 2023

Baxış sayı: 833

Azerbaijan University announces admission to doctoral and dissertate studies under PhD Program for 2023. Document acceptance will be carried out electronically through the “Education Centralized Information System” (TCIS). 

Persons wishing to apply for doctoral studies should visit website of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, select the “Student registration for higher and specialised secondary educational institutions” service and register in accordance with instructions. 

Submission of applications through website will begin on April 12. Deadline for submission of documents is May 16, 2023. The tuition fee for one academic year is 1500 manats. 

The plan of admission to doctoral studies under PhD Program

Economic Sciences

  • Organization and management of enterprises - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis
  • Industry-specific economy - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis

History sciences

  • History studies, source studies and history research methods - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis

Philological sciences

  • Germanic Languages - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis
  • Theory of Literature, Literary Analysis and Criticism - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis
  • Azerbaijani literature – 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis
  • World literature (American, English) - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis

Social Work

  • Social work - 1 person, extramural tuition, paid basis

The plan of admission to dissertate studies under PhD Program

Mathematical sciences

  • Differential equations - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis

Economic Sciences

  • General economy - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis
  • Organization and management of enterprises - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis
  • Industry-specific economy - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis

Philological sciences

  • Theory of language - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis
  • Germanic languages - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis
  • Literature of Turkic nations - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis
  • World literature - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis

Social Work

  • Social work - 1 person, by correspondence, paid basis

For more information
The International Magistrate And Doctorate Center

  • (+99412) 431 41 12/13/16 (ext. 126)
  • +994 50 268 38 00

Public Relations Department