Round table dedicated to Heydar Aliyev was organized at Azerbaijan University

Round table on “Heydar Aliyev is the founder of modern Azerbaijan” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev was organized at Azerbaijan University. Guest of the event was a researcher of Heydar Aliyev legacy, head of the “History of the Peoples of the Caucasus” Department of Baku State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Irada Huseynova.

Guest was introduced to the round table participants by Professor Gabil Aliyev, the head of the Social Sciences Department. Head of the department noted that Irada Huseynova is the first researcher of rich statehood and political activity of the national leader and author of the first PhD thesis.

Irada Huseynova said in her speech that she used Heydar Aliyev's personal archive in her PhD thesis, scientific research and monographs. This archive enriched her research. Her research covers the activities of the national leader from 1941 to 2003.

Speaking about the characteristic periods of the national leader's life and activity, the guest said that Heydar Aliyev treated the development of military construction, science, education, healthcare, culture and economy, protection of national and moral values with special care and resolutely prevented the dangerous processes taking place in the country. His services to the state and the people of Azerbaijan are unprecendented. His greatest merit is the preservation, strengthening and development of the statehood of Azerbaijan.

Irada Huseynova stressed that Heydar Aliyev led Azerbaijan in two historical periods, which are quite different in terms of time and socio-economic formation, and has always been attached to the people and national ideals. He managed to find the best solution in the most difficult circumstances. It is Heydar Aliyev's wisdom and foresight that gives us the days full of rich historical events that we are experiencing these days. President Ilham Aliyev resolutely continues the political course of the national leader and implements his ideas at the highest level.

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