Social Work specialty of Azerbaijan University has passed international accreditation

Social Work specialty of Azerbaijan University has passed international accreditation

07 june 2023

Baxış sayı: 621

Social Work specialty of Azerbaijan University has passed international accreditation for the undergraduate level for a period of 5 years. The accreditation process was conducted by Independent Agency For Accreditation and Ratıng (IAAR). This event, which is the first in the history of Azerbaijan University, is of great importance in terms of internationalization of the University.

The active phase of the accreditation was held in April. The delegation of the Foreign Expert Commission of the Agency conducted inspections to assess quality of curriculum of the Social Work specialty. Organization of educational process, implementation of curriculum, activities of departments and deaneries, compliance of the University structural units work with the requirements, rules and criteria established for accreditation were assessed on the spot and the accreditation application was answered positively.

It should be noted that IAAR is one of the leading international accreditation organizations for quality assurance in education. The Agency, which started its activity in 2011, carries out accreditation in various areas, particularly institutional accreditation of higher education institutions, accreditation of educational programs.

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