Azerbaijan University approved admission plan for Bachelor`s degree for 2024/2025 academic year

Azerbaijan University approved admission plan  for Bachelor\'s degree for 2024/2025 academic year

14 june 2024

Baxış sayı: 6079

The admission plan of Azerbaijan University for Bachelor's degree for the 2024/2025 academic year has been approved. Admission will be carried out in 24 specialties: 3 specialties in the 1st group, 8 in the 2nd and 13 in the 3rd. 

We would like to inform applicants that admission to Azerbaijan University is conducted by the State Examination Center. Admission to all majors is possible on the basis of state order. 

The teaching of the specialties “Information Security” in the 1st group, “Business Management”, “Economics”, “Finance”, “Marketing”, “Accounting” in the 2nd group and “Social Work” in the 3rd group will be conducted in both Azerbaijani and English languages. In the English-medium the duration of education is 5 years, with 1 (one) academic year reserved for English language foundation. For these specialties, the competition is held jointly in the Azerbaijani and Russian sections.

Students admitted on a paid basis can also receive a scholarship at the expense of the state budget, starting from the 2nd semester. 

The “Scholarship named after Martyr Fakhraddin Gurbanly” established by Azerbaijan University is awarded to the student admitted to the University with the highest score in the 1st semester of the 1st academic year. The total amount of the scholarship is 500 manats.

International double degree programs and University internal double diploma programs are operating at Azerbaijan University.

You can get acquainted with the undergraduate admission plan for the 2023/2024 academic year of Azerbaijan University, passing scores and other information of interest to applicants by following the link. 

The undergraduate enrollment plan:

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