V European Economic Congress to be held at Azerbaijan University will focus on “Global Economic Trends”

V European Economic Congress to be held at Azerbaijan University will focus on “Global Economic Trends”

19 february 2019

Baxış sayı: 3629

The preparations for the 5th European Economic Congress will be held at Azerbaijan University on April 25-27 , 2019. The event is expected to be attended by prominent scholars representing different countries of the world in the work of the international event to be held jointly with Kocaeli University in Turkey and WSB University in Poland.

Invited speakers of the congress which will focus on global economic trends are professor Roberto Ciccone of Rome Tre University from Italy, professor Hans Michael Trautwein of Oldenburg University from Germany, Vahit Ferhan Benli, associate professor of Istanbul Trade University from Turkey, and MP, full member of ANAS, doctor of economic sciences, professor Ziyad Samadzadeh from Azerbaijan.

Previous events from this series have been organized in different countries around the world and attracted world scientists' attention as a serious scientific event. Admission of articles to the Congress extended until March 25, 2019.

For more information, visit the congress site below.

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