Reports from 13 countries have been received for the event at Azerbaijan University

Reports from 13 countries have been received for the event at Azerbaijan University

18 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 4650

To achieve the status of a research-oriented higher education institution, consistent and purposeful work has been done for a long time at Azerbaijan university, steps are also being taken to improve the international scientific authority of the university. Expansion of international scientific cooperation, organization of international scientific conferences with the leading universities of Turkey and Europe are among the works undertaken in this direction.

One of such events is the V-European Economic Congress, which is about to end its preparations. Other co-organizers of the influential international event to be held at Azerbaijan University on 25-27 April 2019, are Kocaeli University of Turkey and WSB University of Poland.

Approximately 100 articles from nearly 13 countries have been accepted for the conference. Interesting presentations on auditing, financial security, ecology, demography, and mathematical modeling will be demostrated for the participants. Analysis of Turkish-Azerbaijani economic relations, impact of climate change on sustainable development, investment in the Polish economy and as well as other relevant topicsare expected to be discussed.

The visiting lecturers of the Congress, which will focus on "global economic trends” are Roberto Ciccone, Professor of Roma Tre University of Italy, Hans Michael Trautwein, professor of the German University of Oldenburg, Rui Alexandre Castanho, professor of Spanish Extremadura University, Professor Tomasz Kasprowicz of the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Vahit Ferhan Benli, associate professor of Istanbul Trade University from Turkey, MP from Azerbaijan, full member of ANAS, doctor of economic sciences, professor Ziyad Samadzadeh. As a guest, director of the Institute of Economics of ANAS, prof. Nazim Imanov, Director of the Institute for Scientific Research on Economic Reforms of the Ministry of Economy, prof. Vilayat Valiyev, Corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Akif Musayev, MPs Aydin Mirzazade, Ganira Pashayeva, Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Erkan Özoral, and Polish embassy representative are expected to deliver a speech.

Previous series of events from this series have been organized in different countries around the world and attracted world scientists' attention as a serious scientific event. For more information, visit the congress site below.

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