Pakistani professor Shahid Nadeem held a masterclass for Azerbaijan University students

Pakistani professor Shahid Nadeem held a masterclass for Azerbaijan University students

29 november 2023

Baxış sayı: 725

Shahid Nadeem, a participant of the International Conference on “Social Work & Social Research” and professor of Punjab University of Pakistan, held a masterclass to the Azerbaijan University students. The masterclass was attended by students English-medium marketing majors of the Faculty of Business and Economics.

The guest professor's report was on “Business Strategy”. The masterclass provided students with theoretical and practical information on the strategy and its essence, stages of strategy definition, and the advantages of the strategy.

It should be noted that the International Conference on “Social Work & Social Research” was held in Baku on November 24-25, 2023, hosted by Azerbaijan University. 156 reports from 32 countries of the world were heard at the two-day international hybrid scientific conference. The conference is organized by Azerbaijan University, Sakarya University in Turkey, Washington University in St. Louis (USA) and the Center for Social Studies.

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