Today is the 50th anniversary of Professor Yusif Gasimov

Today is the 50th anniversary of Professor Yusif Gasimov

08 june 2018

Baxış sayı: 4273

Today is the 50th anniversary of Vice-rector for Science of Azerbaijan University, Prof. Yusif Gasimov.

We congratulate  Prof. Yusif Gasimov  on the occasion of his holiday, wish him success in his scientific-pedagogical activity.

Yusif Soltan Gasimov was born in Jabrayil region in 1968. He graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics faculty of Baku State University in 1992. He received Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics Sciences in 1996, and Doctor of Sciences in Mathematics in 2010.

He was a junior researcher at the Institute of Applied Mathematics in 1992-1995, senior researcher at the Institute of Applied Mathematics in 1995-1997, visiting professor at the University of Nantes, France in 2006 and in 2009. He worked as a Head of “Inverse problems and non-linear equation” Department at the Institute of Applied Mathematics in 1997-2017years.  

He has been working at Azerbaijan University since 2017.

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