The following seminar on the rules of writing scientific articles

The following seminar on the rules of writing scientific articles

21 november 2019

Baxış sayı: 3264

The following seminar on the rules for the preparation and presentation of scientific articles for Ph.D. and Ph.D. students was held at the Azerbaijan University. The seminar "Research - Scientific Result - Scientific Articles" was conducted by the head of the department of science Latifa Agamaliyeva.

The seminar covered topics such as the concept of scientific articles, definition and the structure of scientific articles, choice of keywords, organization of introduction, main body and conclusions, design of bibliography, tables, pictures, and graphs. The seminar gave the information about the journals included in the internationally indexed databases required by the Higher Attestation Commission, the Web of Science database by Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters), the search for article-based journals, registration rules, impact factor definition, preparing the article under the requirements of the journal and presenting it to the journal.

In the end, the questions of the Ph.D. and dissertation students about this theme were answered.

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