Republic scientific conference “Gender problem and modern Azerbaijan” finished its work

Republic scientific conference “Gender problem and modern Azerbaijan” finished its work

23 november 2018

Baxış sayı: 4550

II Republic scientific conference in the theme of “Gender problem and modern Azerbaijan” held at Azerbaijan University has been summed up. The purpose of holding the event is to keep the issue of the provision of gender equality in Azerbaijan in the spotlight, to share the scientific achievements and practices obtained in this field, to provide the submission of offers for the analysis of the existing problems and their solution ways.

Firstly, the flowers were laid in front of the bust of National leader Heydar Aliyev in the lobby of the university, and his memory was commemorated with respect by the conference participants.

The event started by performing the State Anthem.

Acting with the greeting speech at the opening ceremony, Saadat Aliyeva, the rector of University has stated that Azerbaijan University is hosting to the conference with the same name for the second time by considering the actuality of the theme, scientific-practical importance, shown interest and participants’ offers. The conference has already been traditionalized and is planned to be held internationally in future.

The Rector stated that gender issue and the provision of gender equality have been historically among the topical problems in the spotlight of the mankind. It is not coincidence that one of the Sustainable Development Objectives of United Nations Organization up to 2030 is namely to achieve the gender equality. It is noted that gender equality is not just one the fundamental human rights, but also is one of the necessary conditions for the world that is sustainable and flourishing and where the peace dominates.

Saadat Aliyeva emphasized in her speech that protection of women rights is rather significant for Azerbaijan community. It is possible today to see the activeness of Azerbaijani women in all areas of the public life. It is not coincidence that provision of women rights, their moral-intellectual development, and participation in the life of the community has been one of the main components of state policy of National leader Heydar Aliyev. Today this policy is continued successfully by President Ilham Aliyev. Multidimensional activity of Mehriban Aliyeva, the first vise-president, the president of Heydar Aliyev Fund is the apparent sample of the role of Azerbaijan woman in the community. The mentioned issues show the actuality of the events, as well as conferences held related to the gender in Azerbaijan for our community one more time.

The rector has stated the assurance of that the discussions to be done at the conference would contribute to the policy done by our state in this direction. Saadat Aliyeva said: “We believe in that the issues discussed at this conference will be irreplaceable material for our scientists, young researchers working in the gender field, will contribute to the works done in the solution of the gender problem in Azerbaijan.”

Deputy Ganira Pashayeva has stated in her speech that the provision of gender equality, increasing the role of women in all areas of the community life is in the top priorities of Azerbaijan state. It is the results of the effective works done, programs held in this field that the number of role-model women in Azerbaijani community is increasing. Deputy has given information on the issues waiting the solution and talked about the duties put on the community. Ganira Pashayeva emphasized especially the importance of doing awareness works, achieving serious turnings in thought and ideas, keeping the issue in spotlight and the services of Mehriban Aliyeva, the First Vise-President of Azerbaijan in the works done in this field.

Professor Rabiyyat Aslanova, chief of the chair Philosophy history and culture-study of Baku State University has mentioned that gender theme was introduced into scientific community in the middle of 20th century and emerged from the historical necessity. Talking about the essence of gender idea Rabiyyat Aslanova has stated that both eastern and western thinkers have lived historically with the wish of perfect society. Emphasizing the importance of relying on the high values of the relations between genders, the guest has given information on the works done in the field of the provision of the gender equality in the country. Paying attention that the private law was adopted in 2006 related to this, Rabiyyat Aslanova has emphasized that Azerbaijani woman should use more self-authentication opportunities of the democratic community.

Saadat Gandilova, vice-rector on Student Affairs of Azerbaijan State Economic University, Seyfal Hasanov, counselor of rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages, Khanim Sultanova, vice-rector on Educational Affairs of Baku Slavic University have shared their ideas on the theme of conference, wished successes to the work of the event.

Professor Rana Ibrahimbayova, chief of the chair of gender and applied psychology of Baku State University has acted with the plenary lecture on the theme of “Gender expertise of school textbooks in the context of study”, Kifayat Aghayeva, assistant professor of Azerbaijan State University with “Gender research of woman and man languages: sexism in literary examples of Azerbaijan”.

The lecture of Professor Rana Ibrahimbayov covered the gender understanding, gender education, purpose, mission and content of gender education, methods used in gender expertise of the textbooks, gender imaginations, psychological mechanism of mastering gender imagination, the results of expertise of nearly 20 school textbooks.

In the lecture of assistant professor Kifayat Aghayeva titled “Gender research of woman and man languages: sexism in literary examples of Azerbaijan” the issues such as linguistic sexism, using language as the purpose of discrimination for sexual signs, manifestation ways of linguistic sexism have been touched, the importance of increasing using habits of non-sexist languages in the communication process has been emphasized.

The conference has continued in the 2 division meetings of “History and legal aspects of gender” and “Gender issues in religion, literature and sociology” after plenary meeting and break.

The conference has summed its work with the closing ceremony. It was stated in the ceremony that the conference has been submitted 55 articles representing the higher education establishments acting in capital Baku and regions, scientific-research institutes of ANAS. It was also noted that it is considered to create Gender Studies Center at Azerbaijan University in the near future.

The conference materials have been presented to the participants by being published as collection.

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