The next issue of "Ipek yolu" magazine is posted on our website

The next issue of

31 march 2022

Baxış sayı: 1479

The first issue of “Ipek yolu” scientific journal of Azerbaijan University for 2022 was placed on the website of the University ( This issue of the journal includes articles on economic and Philological Sciences in Azerbaijani and Russian.

The archive of “Ipek Yolu” Journal, which publishes seriously reviewed scientific articles, can be read online on the website of Azerbaijan university.

Authors can send their articles to prepared according to the instructions

The journal is included in the list of periodicals recommended for publishing the main results of the dissertations of the HAC in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The journal has been included in the following international indexing databases: E-library РИНЦ (Russian); Academic Keys (USA); ResearchBib - Academic Resource Index (Japan), Scientific Indexing Services - SIS (USA), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (India), Advanced Science Index - ASI (Germany), Root Indexing - Journal Abstracting and Indexing Service (India), Eurasian Scientific Journal Index - ESJI (Russia), Science Library Index (Australia), JI Factor (USA).

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