The 140th anniversary of the Irevan Teachers` Seminary was celebrated

The 140th anniversary of the Irevan Teachers' Seminary was celebrated

27 april 2022

Baxış sayı: 1706

An event dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the founding of the Erivan Teachers' Seminary was held at the Azerbaijan University. The event was organized by the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature.

Head of the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature, Associate Professor Ulviya Rahimova said that the event was organized by the decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated December 29, 2021 "On the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Iravan Teachers' Seminary". Ulviya Rahimova noted that the special merit of the seminary, which was established in Irevan, which is the historical land of Azerbaijan, is the development of the educational ideology of graduates. The head of the department in her speech gave information about the life and work of one of the graduates of the seminary, a teacher, publicist, translator, journalist, writer, publisher Hashim bey Vezirov.

Further, at the event, speeches were listened to the head of the Department of Social Sciences, Professor Gabil Aliyev on the topic: "Iravan Teachers' Seminary: an important educational institution in Western Azerbaijan" and Professor of the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature Asif Hajiyev on the topic: "The role of graduates of Teachers' Seminaries in the development of Azerbaijan". The speeches reflected the facts related to the Irevan Khanate, the students were given information about the history of the creation of the Irevan Teachers' Seminary, the organization of classes, the place and significance in the history of national education, teachers and graduates.

It was reported that the order of Mr. President is of great importance in terms of restoring national memory, directs us to study our history, calls to master the historical heritage we created on the territory of the Iravan Khanate. It was emphasized that although we have no territorial claims to the lands that we call "the lands of the homeland left behind", we must study, research and promote the national and cultural heritage that we have created on our historical lands.

At the end, the participants of the event looked at slides dedicated to the life and work of the graduates of the Irevan Teachers' Seminary, which were prepared by the 2nd year student of the magistracy in the specialty History of Azerbaijan Aliya Hajiyeva.

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