The internship of graduate students has already begun

The internship of graduate students has already begun

12 february 2020

Baxış sayı: 3076

Second year graduate students of Azerbaijan University have started their scientific-pedagogical and scientific research internship from today.

35 graduate students in 6 specialties will have 4 weeks of scientific research under the supervision of 9 practice supervisors.

During the scientific-pedagogical internship, graduate students will learn forms and methods of pedagogical activity at Azerbaijan University, get acquainted with the activities of departments, faculties, and their work principles, attend lectures and open lessons, apply the pedagogical aspect of their specialties in practice.

During the scientific-research internship, interns will be engaged in research activities at Azerbaijan University, the Department of Deinstitutionalization and Child Protection under the Ministry of Education, and at the Azerbaijan National Library named after M.F. Akhundov.

At the beginning of the internship, students and supervisors were provided with more information about the general rules and requirements of organizing the practice. At the event, recommendations were made on the work to be done during the internship, and a set of documents on the organization of the internship were presented to the supervisors. The scientific-pedagogical internship will end on March 11, 2020, and the scientific research internship will end on April 8, 2020.

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