The event took place” Say NO to domestic violence"

The event took place” Say NO to domestic violence

16 november 2021

Baxış sayı: 1907

Azerbaijan University, together with the Department of Social Work Organization and the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Issues, held an educational event entitled “Say No to domestic violence”.

The head of the Department of Social Work Organization Tunzala Verdieva, opening the event, informed students about the relevance and significance of the topic.

At the event, Samra Aliyeva, Senior Adviser of the Family Problems Department of the Committee, made a report on the topic ”educating young people about domestic violence and its prevention, elimination of consequences". The Chief Adviser of the Family Problems Department of the Committee, Rafik

Makhmudov, made a presentation in which statistical data on this topic were reflected.

At the end, a short film on the theme ”Affect" was shown.

It should be noted that the meeting was organized in accordance with the “National Action Plan to Combat domestic violence in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2020-2023".

Public RelationsDepartment 