Our graduate Aygun Sadig has signed her first book for the students

Our graduate Aygun Sadig has signed her first book for the students

01 may 2018

Baxış sayı: 5367

The graduate of Azerbaijan University, young writer Aygun Sadig`s first book “Gyuzgude kim var?” ("Who is in the Mirror?") was presented to the literary environment.  The presentation and book signing day was held for the University staff.

The head of the department of Azerbaijani language and literature, associate professor Ulviya Rahimova, teachers of the department Huseyn Huseynli, Amina Ibrahimli, editor of the book Ali bey Azeri, one of Balakan intellectuals Oruj Shirinov spoke about Aygun Sadig's style and main directions of her creativity and wished success to the young writer. In the speeches, participants were informed about poems and stories included in the book. It was noted that it is possible to consider the book as a successful start for the author.

After the speeches, the poems by the young writer were performed by the students Vefa Akhundova, Farana Mikayilova, Ayshen Allahverdiyeva, Aynura Heydarova.

The event ended with Aygun Sadig's book signing for the teacher-student staff.

Note that Aygun Sadig graduated from Azerbaijan University in 2008 majoring as a teacher of Azerbaijani Language and Literature.

Most of her writings over the past 10 years has been complied  in the book “Gyuzgude kim var?”. In the presented poems and stories neither charming nature nor the beauty of the native land described traditionally, but the place and role of a man in nature are praised.

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