Representative of Embassy of Egypt in Azerbaijan was at Azerbaijan University

Representative of Embassy of Egypt in Azerbaijan was at  Azerbaijan University

12 february 2018

Baxış sayı: 6164

The Attaché for Cultural Issues of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Azerbaijan and the Head of the Egyptian Center for Cultural and Educational Relations Mr. Ahmed Sami Elaydi met with the rector of Azerbaijan University Mrs. Saadat Aliyeva.

The perspectives and directions of cooperation among the Center, as well as the Egyptian universities and Azerbaijan University were discussed at the meeting.

Rector Mrs. Saadat Aliyeva noted that the university she leads attaches great importance to establishing and expanding multidimensional international relations and always keeps it in the spotlight. Azerbaijan University, which provides scholarships and opportunities for academic experience to foreign partner universities for its students, has considered the implementation of dual diploma programs as a strategic target.

Head of the Center Mr.Ahmed Sami Elaydi said they would be pleased to contribute to the development of friendly relations and the expansion of bilateral ties between the two countries.

Head of the International Relations Department Bakhtiyar Badalov attended the meeting as well.

Public Relations Department