The novel "The Luzhin`s defense" by Nabokov in translation by Safar Kalbihanli

The novel

28 december 2019

Baxış sayı: 3455

Safar (Mammadov) Kalbihanlı, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of Azerbaijan University, has translated the novel “The Luzhin defense” by Vladimir Nabokov, one of the most prominent and mysterious pen owners of the 20th century Russian literature, into Azerbaijani. The translated book was published  by “Ganun” publishing company.

"The Luzhin Defense" is about chess which is considered one of the most ancient games that was also skillfully played by Nabokov. The shades of impressionism, the richness of colours, abundance of metaphors put this writer's work among the pearls of the world. The passion of the game adds color to the emotional-philosophical poetry of the novel, and makes it more interesting for the reader.

Poet, novelist and playwright Vladimir Nabokov, who is known for his numerous novels like "The Real Life of Sebastian Knight", "Pnin", "Lolita", "Camera Obskura", " Invitation to a beheading", was born in 1899 in his noble family in St. Petersburg. He lived in Germany for a while after being forced to leave Russia after the 1917 revolution. However, the socio-political situation forced him to move to the United States in 1945. Here he delivers lectures on world literature in higher education centers. He died in 1977 in the state of Lozanna, USA.

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