Nushaba Guliyeva`s article was published in a prestigious scientific journal

Nushaba Guliyeva's article was published in a prestigious scientific journal

01 december 2021

Baxış sayı: 1969

Azərbaycan Universiteti rektorunun müşaviri, Beynəlxalq Magistratura və Doktorantura Mərkəzinin Direktoru Nüşabə Quliyevanın Counselor to Rector of Azerbaijan University, Director of The International Master's and Doctoral Center, Nushaba Guliyeva's article "Armenian vandalism against religious and cultural monuments in Karabakh" was published in a prestigious Ukrainian scientific journal “Politicus”.

The article investigates the facts of destruction of cultural and religious monuments, looting of museum exhibits, burning of schools and other vandalism after occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent territories by Armenian Armed Forces in 90s of XX century.

The journal is included in the new List of scientific publications of the Higher attestation Commission of Ukraine, is indexed in the international scientific base Index Copernicus International.

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