Professor Asif Hajiyev visited the Russian Federation

Professor Asif Hajiyev visited the Russian Federation

27 april 2018

Baxış sayı: 5542


Professor of Azerbaijan University Asif Hajiyev visited Volgograd city at the invitation of Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University and Civic Education Center of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the visit was to participate in the International Forum "Golden Star" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Stalingrad battle and the International Scientific Conference "Stalingrad Carnation" held by the Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University and Civic Education Center with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation of the Russian Federation.

The visit began with the march of the participants of the Stalingrad war and the memorial monument to the martyrs of war. Later, a group of participants of the conference and forum met the rector of the University, Professor Alexander Mikhaylovich Korotkov. During the meeting with the vice-rectors and deans, Professor Asif Hajiyev informed about the achievements of Azerbaijan's education and activities of the University of Azerbaijan. The prospects of possible cooperation between the two universities, joint projects, exchange of students and teachers were discussed.

Making a speech at the opening of the Forum and Conference, Prof. Asif Hajiyev talked about historical relations between Azerbaijan and Russia, the contribution of Azerbaijan to the victory in the World War II, the multicultural environment in our Republic and the cooperation between two countries, the patriotic policy and stated that the personal friendship between the two heads of state is an example for our modern youth.

After opening the forum, a plenary meeting of the Russian language and literature teachers "Stalingrad Carnival" international conference was held. Professor Asif Hajiyev made a report on the subject "Russian-language education in the context of Azerbaijan's multiculturalism model" at the plenary session. The report notes that multicultural values, which occupy an important place in the ideological heritage of national leader Heydar Aliyev, are one of the priorities of President Ilham Aliyev's statehood policy. It was noted that the rights of all peoples and religions in Azerbaijan are ensured, Russian-language preschool, secondary and higher educational institutions, cultural centers, press organs function in our republic, artistic, publicistic, scientific works are published in Russian. The speech was devoted to the advanced experience and methodology gained in the field of Russian language and literature study and creation of Russian-speaking educational complexes in accordance with the joint creative collectives and regional features. The participants were informed that Russian-speaking educational and cultural institutions are funded by the Azerbaijani government, public organizations of Russian and Russian citizens, and the model of Azerbaijan's multiculturalism as an example of stability, progress and tolerance for other countries.

Following the plenary session, the conference continued on sections. Professors Asif Hajiyev and V.Moskvin led the section "Problems of Studying Language and Style of Artistic Works".

It should be noted that, as part of the delegation representing our country at the forum and conference, Professor of the Baku Slavic University, Rakhila Guliyeva, was also with Professor Asif Hajiyev.

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