Awarding ceremony of "Green Energy for a Healthy World" competition will be held

Awarding ceremony of

14 march 2018

Baxış sayı: 3838

Awarding ceremony of "Green Energy for a Healthy World" competition will be held tomorrow. The event will start in the educational building of Azerbaijan University located at J. Hajibeyli 71 at 11 a.m.

The winners will receive I, II and III degree diplomas, prizes and money awards. The winner will be awarded as follows: first place - 800 AZN, second place – 600 AZN, third place - 400 AZN.

The competition, increasing energy efficiency and promoting alternative and renewable energy sources serves to reveal the intellectual potential of young researchers and to search for solutions of the global scientific problems. For the first round of the competition, providing opportunities for students, masters and PhD students from all the country's universities to present ideas and proposals that can be implemented in the territory of Azerbaijan, held in 5 directions and 2 stages, was presented 30 works from 19 universities. The submitted works were investigated by the relevant commission members and 14 of them were put into the second round.

The Commission consisting of specialists and academics of the State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, scientific research institutes of ANAS and leading universities of the country evaluated the relevance, innovation, originality, theoretical and practical importance of the work including the preparation of the presentation, interactive materials as well as demonstration to the audience of the works put to the II stage.

Among the finalists there are students, masters and PhD students from Technical, ADA, Caspian, Oil and Industry, Baku State, France - Azerbaijan, Eurasia, Economics, Pedagogical, Azerbaijan universities and the Higher Oil School.

Partner of the competition is the State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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