Students of Azerbaijan University visited mountain Jews synagogue

Students of Azerbaijan University visited mountain Jews synagogue

19 may 2019

Baxış sayı: 3771

Teachers of the Department of Social Work of Azerbaijan University Tunzale Verdiyeva and Gulnar Abbasova arrange meetings with different communities to convey the basics of social work conducted with communities to the students more clearly. For this purpose, third-year students studying in the social sciences visited the synagogue of Mountain Jews in the capital.

Chairman of the Baku Mountain Jews Religious Community Milix Yevdayev informed the students about the activities of the community and the synagogue. The community leader noted that currently there are six Jewish synagogues in Azerbaijan. Jewish settlement in Azerbaijan has more than 2000 years history.

Milix Yevdayev noted that Azerbaijan is a country with strong tolerance traditions. For centuries, representatives of different religions, ethnos, nations, cultures have lived in peace, mutual respect and friendship, and this tradition continues today. Representatives of all religions are treated equally, as representatives of all other communities, members of the Jewish community also freely conduct their religious rituals and traditions.

The community leader said that Jews living in Azerbaijan were represented in all spheres of society, such as science, education, politics, health, culture, and never stayed aside from the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. A brave tanker, Albert Aqarunov, who volunteered to the front, died heroically in one of the battles for the city of Shusha in May 1992. The hero, who was buried in the Alley of Martyrs in Baku, was named after the National Hero of Azerbaijan posthumously. Azerbaijani people always keep his memory high.

The community leader also answered students' questions about beliefs and worships of the Jews. He positively assessed the initiative of the teachers and students of the Azerbaijan University and offered such meetings to be regular.

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