Academic staff and dissertators of the Social Work Organization Department made a speech at the International Conference

Academic staff and dissertators of the Social Work Organization Department made a speech at the International Conference

02 june 2023

Baxış sayı: 563

The academic staff and dissertators of the Social Work Organization Department spoke online at the International Conference for Doctoral, Post-Doctoral Students and Young Researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences jointly organized by Alexandru loan Cuza University of Romania and Lille University of France. The event was organized in Iasi city of Romania.

On the first day of the conference, the lecturers of the Department Aynur Bunyatova, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor and Nigar Shahhuseynbayova made a presentation on “Features of Socio-Psychological Traumas in Post-war Period in Azerbaijan”, and Ulviya Mirzoyeva, dissertator of the Department in the Social work specialty, made a presentation on “The Research on Recognition of Developmetal Delay of Children under 42 months in Azerbaijan”.

On the second day of the conference, head of the Social Work Organization Department, Ph.D. in psychology Tunzala Verdieva, the lecturer of the Department Aytaj Saniyeva and the lecturer of the Translation and Philology Department Nargiz Huseynova presented their reports on “Organization of providing social services to a person (family) in difficult life conditions in Azerbaijan”.

Well-known scientists in the field of humanities and social sciences from more than 20 universities representing different countries of the world participated in the conference.

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