The winners of the competition “Green energy for a healthy world” were awarded

The winners of the competition “Green energy for a healthy world” were awarded

15 march 2018

Baxış sayı: 4565

The winners of the best scientific work competition titled “Green energy for a healthy world” declared by the Azerbaijan University have been selected. The student of the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry Alirza Orujov was awarded the first place for his scientific work titled “Tamiz ada” (Clean island), the master level student of the same university Ilkin Marufov took the second place and the students of the Azerbaijan University Sarkhan Abbaszada and Fahmin Zakirli the third places. The winner of the I place was awarded 800 manat, the II place 600 manat and the third places 400 manat reward and certificates for the relevant places. The scientific supervisors of the winners have also been awarded.

The student of the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry Narmina Abbasova was awarded the fourth place and rewarded with special present by the Department of the Youth and Sport of Nasimi District.

The rector of the Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva, Vice-rector for the scientific works of the university Yusif Gasimov, the partner of the competition, deputy head of the State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, prof.Nurali Yusifbayli, Executive director of the State Fund for Development of Information Technologies under the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies prof.Elchin Zeynalov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Ecology of the National Aerocosmic Ageny of the Ministry of Defense Industry prof.Nasimi Kazimov, head of the Department of the Youth and Sport of Nasimi district Elbrus Abdullayev, Executive Director of the “Social Innnovation Lab” International Organization Jasur Hasanov, members of the competition commission, finalists and scientific supervisors of the competition and teacher-student staff of the university took part in the competition.

The event started with display of a video clip that reflects the progress of the competition, through which the event participants were given information to the participants about the idea, purposes and stages of the competition, members of the commission, the received works and assessment categories, participants and finalists.

The speakers emphasized that existing energy sources should be effectively used and alternative and renewable energy sources should be mobilized and gave detailed information about the works widely spread in our country. The speakers extended their gratitude to the university management for high-level organization of the competition.

The Vice-rector for academic affairs of the university declared the event open and wished success to the finalists.

The partner of the competition, deputy director of the State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources professor Nurali Yusifbayli gave brief information about the current events that happen in our country and across the globe. He stated that, a special attention has been paid to enhancement of the use of alternative and renewable enery sources in the “Strategical Road Map for development of communal services in the Republic of Azerbaijan and that we have to be thankful to the president Ilham Aliyev for the successes our country has achieved in the last few years.  

Executive director of the State Fund for Development of Information Technologies under the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies prof.Elchin Zeynalov gave information to the event participants about the purposes of the fund and its activities.

The deputy director of the Institute of Ecology of the Ministry of Defense Industry professor Nasimi Kazimov stated that, the geographical position and climatic conditions of our country enables us to widely consume the alternative and renewable energy sources.

The member of the competition commission, leading scientific worker of the Institute of Management of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, candidate of sciences of physics and mathematics Elkhan Sabziyev commented on the works and noted that, fully objective organization and  holding of the competition is really praiseworthy:  “The finalists and winners were selected in an objective manner by the university management and, there has been no interference in the work of the commission. Elkhan Sabziyev emphasized that the competition also serves for elimination of shortcomings in education.

The executive director of the “Social Innovation Lab” International Organization Jasur Hasanov gave a speech about the activity of the organization.  

The head of the Department of the Youth and Sport of Nasimi district Elbrus Abdullayev emphasized the importance of the topic and actuality of the competition, and wished success to the participants.

The event ended with presentation of the scientific work “Tamiz ada” (Clean island) by Alirza Orujov, the winner of the competition. The project aimed at cleaning of polluted waters which is a global ecological problem of our day. Through realization of the project, such water shall be cleaned and fish shall be able to live there.  Main advantage of the project is that it requires less finance, not harms the aesthetic appearance of the area and the device that cleans water functions with the help of wind energy absolutely.

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