An international event has started in Turkey which is held with the co-organization of Azerbaijan University

An international event has started in Turkey which is held with the co-organization of Azerbaijan University

15 november 2018

Baxış sayı: 5037

The 4th European Economic Congress has started in Kocaeli, Turkey. Organizers of the event are Kocaeli University, Azerbaijan University and WSB University in Poland.

Azerbaijan University is represented by a delegation led by Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Yusif Gasimov in the conference which is held on November 15-17.

Vice-rector Yusif Gasimov made a speech at the opening ceremony of the international event and conveyed greetings of the rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva. Speaking about the history and activities of Azerbaijan University, Yusif Gasimov noted that the event will be held at Azerbaijan University next year. The vice-rector invited the event participants to Baku and presented a memorable gift from the rector of Azerbaijan University to the rector of Kocaeli University  Sadettin Hulagu.

Plenary reports of prominent scientists from different countries of the world on current issues of modern economics will be listened and discussions will be held at various sessions. 130 researchers from 16 countries are attending the event.

Rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva is one of the honorary chairmen of the organizing committee. Vice-rector on Scientific Affairs Yusif Gasimov and Professor of the University Rovshan Guliyev are the members of the scientific committee of the event, Dean of the School of Business and Economics Ali Hasanov, Head of Science Department Latifa Agamaliyeva and associate professor of Finance and Economics Department Nariman Boyukkishi are the members of the organizing committee.

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