Employees of the Training Center of the Ministry of Taxes has trained the students

Employees of the Training Center of the Ministry of Taxes has trained the students

28 november 2018

Baxış sayı: 4582

The next training was held at Azerbaijan University for the students studying in the School of Business and Economics of Finance, Accounting and Audit specialties.

The event was opened by the Dean of School of Business and Economics Ali Hasanov who gave information about the subject of the training and presented the guests. The Dean said that radical changes to the "Accounting Law" have led to serious innovations in this area. Transition to International accounting standards has started. The first part of the training was dedicated to explaining changes. In the second section, students are very important issues both in business and social life will be acquainted with the basics of time management.

The lecture of Associate Professor of the Economics and Management Department at the Training Center for Economics, Doctor of Philosophy Galib Tanriverdiyev on the topic of "About Accounting Changes in the law and the application of these amendments for tax purposes " covered the necessity of reforms in this area, the stages of reforms. Changes in the Accounting Law, the General Structure of the Law and Basic Changes, Basic Concepts of the Law, Accounting regulation and control, accounting applied in the Republic of Azerbaijan, accounting standards, issuance of professional accountant certification, accounting records and covers responsibility issues for breach of legislation.

In the second part of the training participants listened to the lecture of Anar Mirzayev, the Head of the Economy and Management department of the Center on "Time management in the process of labor division ". During the lecture the issues like time measurement, Lotar Zayvertin's "Useful Work" formula, useful work time, time management importance, time stages of management, SMART, technology, the "Eyzenhauer Principle" in the identification of priorities planning tools, golden scheduling rules, working with documents tricks, transmitting power, working day analysis, time lag key causes, ways to eliminate overuse, and similar concepts were clarified. 

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