Croatian Vice Rector will deliver a lecture at Azerbaijan University

Croatian Vice Rector will deliver a lecture at Azerbaijan University

29 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 3081

Nebojsa Stojcic, vice rector for economics at the University of Dubrovnik in Croatia, and Katya Vojvodic, head of the department of business and economics, were summoned to Azerbaijan University as a part of the academic exchange program “Erasmus +”.

Vice-rector Nebojsa Stojčić will deliver lectures to business and economics students within a week. Lectures will cover topics such as economic regulation, human resource management, international financial standards and so on. Katya Vojvodich will take part in the exchange of experience with university departments and will hold a seminar on the implementation of research for students.

Visiting the building of Azerbaijan University, guests also got acquainted with the staff of the University. The dean of the faculty of business and economics of Azerbaijan University Ali Hasanov, head of the international relations department Bakhtiyar Badalov, head of the social work department Aygun Musayeva and head of the foreign languages ​​department Samira Mammadova presented Azerbaijan University at the meeting. During the meeting, the sides exchanged information on the universities they represented, and discussed other possible areas of cooperation between the universities of Azerbaijan and Dubrovnik.

It should be noted that, Azerbaijan University cooperates with the Dubrovnik University of Croatia in the framework of the “Erasmus+” exchange program. Currently, two students of Azerbaijan University are studying at the University of Dubrovnik.

Public Relations Department