No.3, 2023

No.3, 2023


Ali Abbasov (pp.5-10)
Characteristics of forecasting electricity prices for the short term based on the Box-Jenkins methodology

Jeyran Babirova (pp.11-23)
Analysis and assessment of the current situation of the food safety system

Rufat Efendiyev, Nusrat Ibrahimov (pp.24-34)
Artificial intelligence and its perspective impact opportunities on the employment sector in Azerbaijan

Ramil Hasanov (pp.35-40)
Waste management and recycling: An overview

Rafael Huseynov (pp.41-47)
Digital environment in agriculture and issues of formation of smart agricultural sector in Azerbaijan

Vusal Nazarov (pp.48-55)
Assessment of the efficiency of investments in the manufacturing industries of Azerbaijan

Elmir Guluzadeh (pp.56-62)
Operation and economic characteristics of airports

Gulshan Yuzbashiyeva, Sakhavat Mirzayev (pp.63-74)
Factors affecting the development of the food industry in the territories liberated from occupation

Eldar Zeynalli (pp.75-83)
The main features of the development of innovative business environment


Ulviyya Aliyeva (pp.84-91)
Reasons for the late formation of American literature

Elmira Aliyeva (pp.92-99)
The problem of actual sentence structure in languages with different systems

Kamala Jafarova (pp.100-107)
The phenomenon of "Diffusion" and "Acculturation" during linguistic and intercultural relations

Dayanat Jumanov (pp.108-114)
Artistic literary glorification of simplicity in poetry (Based on Rasul Rza literary school)

Aynur Farajova (pp.115-122)
Oghuz Kaghan thiogenic genealogy in Azerbaijani legends: The sun and the moon paradigms

Lala Mammadova (pp.123-129)
Cognitive features of adverbs in Persian

Aysu Mirzayeva (pp.130-138)
Cognitive pecularities of phraseologisms containing onomastic units

Laya Mustafayeva (pp.139-146)
Reference and implicature in modern linguistics

Sahila Mustafayeva (pp.147-152)
The place and the importance of corpus linguistics in modern linguistics

Gulnar Rzayeva (pp.153-158)
Interference and its linguistic features

Aziza Salamova (pp.159-163)
V. Woolf's essay "A Room of One’s Own" as the first wave of feminism

Ulkar Samadova (pp.164-169)
The emergence of drama in Ottoman literature