106 Students of Azerbaijan University have Started Pedagogical Internship

106 Students of Azerbaijan University have Started Pedagogical Internship

09 february 2017

Baxış sayı: 5533

Pedagogical internship of the 4th-year bachelor's students of Azerbaijan University has started today.

106 students studying in specialties as teacher of Azerbaijan language and Literature, teacher of History, teacher of Foreign languages (English language), teacher of Mathematics and Computer Sciences will undertake pedagogical internship at schools No.  13, 21, 53, and 126 in Baku city.  The intern students will be led by 23 methodists and 3 teachers. 

Term of the internship is 120 hours. Students will conduct observation lessons at the attached schools during the internship. They have to come to the lessons prepared, attend mass events, and observe disciplinary rules.

 Both the intern students and their methodists have been informed in detail about the general rules and requirements on the internship, documentation, evaluation system and criteria, and their obligations at the commencement conference of the pedagogical internship. Recommendations on how to conduct the lessons in the secondary schools and the work to be performed during the internship have been given at the event, and the methodists have been provided with the documents about the organization of the internship.

At the conference, it was noted that pedagogical internship is of great importance in terms of applying theoretical knowledge of the students, and visually learning the pedagogical process. The students will get a chance to adapt to pedagogical environment during pedagogical internship..

Staff of the education department as well as deans and heads of the departments of the University have attended the commencement conference of the pedagogical internship of the second semester of 2016/2017 academic year.

After the conference, the methodists and students headed to the internship institutions. Pedagogical internship will be over on 09 March, 2017.

9 Master’s students of the University studying in specialties as Linguistics, Literature and Social Work will undertake scientific –pedagogical internship.

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