An event dedicated to “May 28-Independence Day” was held

An event dedicated to “May 28-Independence Day” was organized by the Department Of Social Sciences at Azerbaijan University. The guest of the event was academician Yagub Mahmudov. The event began with the singing of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It was noted at the event that for the first time this year, May 28 is celebrated in Azerbaijan not as Republic Day, but as Independence Day. With the adoption of the new law “On Independence Day” in 2021 by the MIlli Majlis, May 28 was declared Independence Day, and October 18 was declared the Day of Restoration of Independence.

Yusif Gasimov, vice-rector for scientific affairs of the University, noted that Azerbaijan people have an ancient and rich history of statehood.

The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which we celebrate its 104th anniversary this year, has played a great role in the restoration of our national statehood traditions and demonstrated the greatness of our people to the whole world. We are proud that the APR, ahead of the most European countries, has both declared and secured progressive democratic values in its practical activities. Today’s independence Azerbaijan is committed to all its democratic traditions and lives them.

Participants of the event listened to the report of academician Yagub Mahmudov on “the Republican stage of the history of our statehood”. The academician said that although various revolutions had taken place in Europe before the Republic, no state with such rich democratic values had been established. The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first parliamentary republic in the Muslim East, is a brilliant event in the world and the most glorious page in our history. Leaving aside all the significant events of our 5.000 –year history of statehood, the people of Azerbaijan deserve to walk upright only because they have established the Republic.

The report also touched upon the life and activities of the founders of the APR, officers fighting in the Caucasus Islamic Army, the liberation of Baku from Armenian Bolshevik occupation, articles of the Declaration of Independence, the participation of the Azerbaijan delegation in Paris Peace Conference.

Yagub Mahmudov noted that although the APR could not fully achieve all its goals due to the occupation, its desire for independence, which it established in the minds of the Azerbaijan people, has not been forgotten. The processes that began in 1988 ended with the restoration of Azerbaijan’s state independence.

The academician said that our people always remember the founders of the APR with great gratitude, and congratulated the participants on the occasion of May 28-Independence Day.

Department of Public Relations