Azerbaijan University hosts an event on “Health and rights of sick people”

Azerbaijan University hosts an event on “Health and rights of sick people”

20 october 2022

Baxış sayı: 6065

An educational event on "Health and the rights of sick people" was held for students studying social-psychological service majors in Social work and Education at Azerbaijan University. The guest of the event was Professor Aynur Aydın of Istanbul University.

The event was opened by the head of the Department of Organization of Social Work, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Tunzala Verdiyeva, who introduced the guest to the students and gave information about her scientific and pedagogical activities.

Aynur Aydın, making a speech, said that she is in Azerbaijan for the first time. Aynur Aydın, who said that she was received with great hospitality and kindness, also emphasized that she likes Baku very much.

Professor Aynur Aydın's speech was about the relations between the fields of medicine and law, the fact of malpractice, which plays a key role in the formation of relations between medicine and law, the spectrum of human rights, human rights in the field of health care, the rights of sick people before and after treatment, the history of patient rights, international documents on patient rights, the patient - covered the regulation of doctor relations, doctor's rights and similar topics.

Aynur Aydın, who brought examples from world experience on the subject, noted that when we apply to hospitals and medical institutions, we should know what our rights are, where they start, and what are the limitations.

The event, held in an interactive format, was met with great interest by the students.

At the end of the event, Professor Aynur Aydın expressed her gratitude to the leadership and staff of Azerbaijan University for the invitation.

 Public Relations Department