About 1,400 applications were received by Azerbaijan University Applicant Counseling Center

About 1,400 applications were received by Azerbaijan University Applicant Counseling Center

02 september 2022

Baxış sayı: 546

The Applicant Counseling Center operating at Azerbaijan University received 1,388 applications during the selection days of August 16-28. The procedure for filling out and confirming the electronic specialty selection application for applicants who want to be admitted to higher education institutions in the I, II, III, IV and V specialty groups by the specially trained employees of the center, including sub-bachelors, the conditions of the competition, the important things to pay attention to when choosing a specialty advisory service and technical support on issues. In addition to entrants and undergraduates, parents also applied to the counseling center. Inquiries received by the center by phone were also answered.

From today, the selection of specialties for vacant plan places of higher education institutions and colleges on an 11-year basis begins, and the process will continue until September 7. Applicants and sub-bachelors who will choose a specialty can apply for assistance at the Applicant Counseling Center operating at Azerbaijan University at this stage as well.

It should be noted that the center was established by the State Examination Center in 2018 and has been operating free of charge for 5 years.

Address: Baku city, Nasimi district, Jeyhun Hajibeyli street, 71.

Public Relations Department