Erasmus visit of German professor to Azerbaijan University has come to an end

Erasmus visit of German professor to Azerbaijan University has come to an end

11 march 2019

Baxış sayı: 3289

Martina Bruck, professor of German partner Koblenz University, participated in the educational process at Azerbaijan University within the framework of “Erasmus + “ exchange program for two weeks. Martina Bruck's lectures included Corporate Finance, Financial Management and Statistics subjects that are taught in English-medium specialties of the School of Business and Economics at the bachelor's degree, and Financial Analysis and Introduction to Credit Institutions in MBA groups.

The German professor trained on "Project Management" and "Implementation of research work at Koblenz University" at the new training and education center for university teachers and students.

Before leaving for the country, Martina Bruck met with rector Saadat Aliyeva and shared her impressions of both Azerbaijan University and Baku as well.

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