The German professor will deliver a lecture at Azerbaijan University

The German professor will deliver a lecture at Azerbaijan University

25 february 2019

Baxış sayı: 3241

Martina Bruck, professor of partner Koblenz University of Germany, will deliver a lecture to the students of Azerbaijan University. The German professor will take part in the educational process for two weeks within the framework of the Erasmus + exchange program

Firstly, the guest met with the rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva. During the meeting, the relations between Azerbaijan and Koblenz Universities were highly appreciated and positive opinions were expressed about the opportunities created for the students through the Erasmus + exchange program. Noting that she was visiting Azerbaijan for the first time, the guest expressed her high impressions about Baku.

Then the guest got acquainted with the university building and met with the German students who will study at Azerbaijan University within the exchange program in the spring semester.

Note that Martina Bruck's lectures will cover corporate finance, financial management and statistics subjects taught at the bachelor's degree in English-medium specialties of the School of Business and Economics, in the MBA groups will cover subjects as financial analysis and introduction to credit structures

Public Relations Department