Anar Isgandarov: There were endorsed signatures for 328 times for the world “The first” within the period of Azerbaijan People’s Republic

Anar Isgandarov: There were endorsed signatures for 328 times for the world “The first” within the period of Azerbaijan People’s Republic

27 october 2017

Baxış sayı: 6162

Next guest of traditional individual development lectures in Azerbaijan University was PhD on Historical sciences, Professor Anar Isgandarov. There was given information about Azerbaijani intellectuals who made historically brave steps preferring homeland to everything in the lecture titled “Road taking to APR” and the students had been submitted brief summary of work implemented in 23 months.

Anar Isgandarov commenced his lecture with “Appeal to the Youth” of Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh .  The Professor stated that only the youth can change progress of history, therefore the appeal  was addressed to the young people :Azerbaijan’s destiny was trusted to them.

Following information was presented in the lecture as well: establishment of Dashnaktzutuin party, popular slaughters committed against Azerbaijan people in the territory of Baku, Southern  Caucasus , especially in Armenia, results of I World War, 31 March 1918 Genocide, territorial claims of Armenians against  Azerbaijan, declaration of  Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and its place in Azerbaijan history, its foreign policy, its international relations, liberation of Baku by Caucasian Islamic Army from occupation. It eas stipulated that bases of foundation of Azerbaijan people’s Republic was established byenlighter thinkers of that period considerably long time ago.

 Professor Anar Isgandarov noted that there were endorsed signatures for 328 times for the word “the first”within period of APR which existed totally 23months and was the first Parliamentary Republic in the Muslim East. The state organization attributes had been admitted, important and fateful steps were made in the fields such as state and military building, economy and culture, education and public health. The professor said: “This Republic turned  expression of “Azerbaijan”-which was a geographical notion into political notion for the first time. Baku city was declared as a capital for the first time. The Parliament was established. The APR’s biggest succes is recognition of its independence by Paris Peace Conference”

It was brought into attention in the ceremony that 100 –year anniversary of APR foundation will be amplitudinously celebrated in state level in the republic as well.

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