The scientific-practical seminar on the topic of “Strategic roadmap and tax reform” was held at Azerbaijan University

The scientific-practical seminar on the topic of “Strategic roadmap and tax reform” was held at Azerbaijan University

08 april 2017

Baxış sayı: 4783

The scientific –practical seminar “ Strategic roadmap and tax reform” was held at Azerbaijan University.

Vusal Hasanov, the dean of the School of the Business and Economics started the event with his speech. The dean greeted the guests and participants, presented the lecturers and wished succes to the work of the seminar.

Alekber Mammadov, the advisor to the Minister of Taxes, the General Director of Taxpayers' Service and Transparent Tax Partnership Department, stated that the year 2016 is to be remembered as the year of preparatory phase of the transition to post-oil economy. And it is in this year that 12 strategic road maps covering all economic sectors were adopted in the cooperation with " Strategic Road Map for the prospects of the national economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan".

The speaker drew attention to the aims and targets of roadmap and it is important to form the perfect tax system and tax environment  to achieve these aims and targets.

A.Mammadov continued his speech talking about carrying out reforms and innovation and gave information about  building tax culture to the youth by the Ministry of Taxes, issues that done on the principles of voluntary tax payment in the society.

Alekber Mammadov also gave information about “Baku Shopping Festival” that will continue a month, and stated that Ministry of Taxes is a operator of this event. Foreign guests as well as Azerbaijan citizens will benefit the system “Tax free”.

Alekber Mammadov informed the students about the olympiad “Taxes” and called them to participate in this event actively.

Then Aghanemet Aghayev, the teacher of the School of Business and Economics made the presentation” on the topic of “National Economics Perspectives on Strategic road map”. At the presentation, issues such as algorithm of economic development and system of conditions, the growth trend of the national economy, monotone dependence of the economy and economic clusters were mentioned.

The event came to an end with the discussions.

The authority of the university and teacher-students staff participated in the event.

Public Relations Department