The next event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the ADR: "23 Months more than a century "

The next event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the ADR:

27 april 2018

Baxış sayı: 4583

The next event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was held at the Azerbaijan University. During the literary and artistic night "23 months more than a century" prepared by the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Humanities, a video clip was presented depicted on the 23rd month of activity of the ADR, reports were sounded, poems and songs were performed and a guest of the event, researcher-publicist Dilgam Ahmed made a presentation and lecture on the Republic period. The participants of the event were presented the first national anthem of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which was played in 1918.

Professor Yusif Gasimov, pro-rector on scientific affairs of Azerbaijan University, opened the event. The professor talked about the importance of a thorough investigation of the lives and activities of the ADR era and its founders. Head of the Department of Social Sciences, Professor Gabil Aliyev made a report on "Restoration of Independent Statehood in Azerbaijan". A students’ guest, researcher-publicist Dilgam Ahmed presented an exhibition entitled "Immigration of Republic Builders in Rare Photographs and Documents" and gave detailed information about the historical documents, photographs, letters and newspapers from his collection through the slides.

The event continued with the students' lectures. Zumrud Kazimli has made a speech on "Declaration of Independence", Zahida Heydarzade on "Education Issues". Tunzala Kazimova told a poem by Jafar Jabbarli "Azerbaijan flag" and Gunay Najafova "Triangular flag" by Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh.

The rector of the university Saadat Aliyeva also watched the event. The rector made a speech about the essence of President Ilham Aliyev's Decree on the proclamation of the 2018  a Year of the Republic and noted that the 100th anniversary of the ADR was celebrated with a series of events. Stressing that the organizers of the event were students, the rector thanked the TEC members for their high organizational support.

The event ended with a song "I Will Live My People" on the performance of Vafa Akhundova.

Researcher-publicist Dilgam Ahmed visited the ADR audience after the event and presented the book "Return of Refugees" to the audience library.

Public Relations Department