AYAFE: “Successful career starts with volunteering”

AYAFE: “Successful career starts with volunteering”

16 november 2016

Baxış sayı: 4984


Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends of Europe (AYAFE) have held an event called “Gain International Experience with AYAFE” for Azerbaijan University students.


It was noted that AYAFE is the first volunteering organizaion in Azerbaijan and has 20 years’ experience. The main objective of the organization is to promote volunteerism, stay in regular contact with the youth of Europe and ensure voluntary participation of young people in international training and camps.


The participants of the event were informed about of volunteerism, youth policy and international internship programs and work camps for the young. It was also noted that international experience, volunteerism and social work contribue to young people’s comprehensive development and gaining initial professional experience. Today, when becoming familiar with success stories of many professionals, we can see the important role of volunteerism in the formation of youth.


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